Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Product Assembly

Hey everybody. I know I haven't made a post in a few days. I have been busy with my son and the days seem to run away from me faster than I can grasp onto them. I did want to share something with you that is very useful when making money without leaving home is concerned. I recently started product assembly with a company called New England Crafters. It is very legit, if you have ever heard of. At first I was a bit turned away because there was a start up cost involved. But after continuously visiting their site and seeing that no one was complaining about them, I decided to give it a try. I would never lie to my audience because you are why I keep my blog updated. I am making money with this company simply by putting their products together. It couldn't be easier. Sometimes you don't want to spend money to make money but in this case I had to and I don't regret it. Every dollar counts in my house and so far New England Crafters has added $150 to my regular monthly income. Now it may not sound like much, but remembered everyone I have a 2 month old son who requires much of my time. I don't make $150 because thats the most they will allow me to make, but because its the most I have time to make. I love NEC because you determine your potential income by how much time you are willing to put into it. So why not swing by their page and see if maybe it seems interesting to you as well. What could it hurt to look?

Good Luck ladies and gentlemen!

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